• Hennepin County Medical Center

    The new clinic building on the campus of Hennepin County Medical Center will offer convenient access to primary care and specialty clinics, same day surgery center, and cancer center to meet the healthcare needs of people who live, work, and visit downtown Minneapolis.

    Care will be centralized and accessible for people who need a quick visit to the doctor, with close parking and skyway connections to rest of the campus. It will be convenient for patients coming from outside of downtown with easy access from major highways.
    Six floors of clinics and services, two levels underground for 220 stalls parking for patients and families, 377,000 square feet, skyway and tunnel connection to the rest of the medical center campus.

    715 S. 8th Street
    Beginning date of project:
    January, 2016
    Projected end:
    Spring, 2018
    Construction company:
    Mortenson Construction
    Recent updates:
    The Hennepin Healthcare project is complete.